2007年4月17日 星期二 戴博士(Dr.Tai)向日葵(sunflower)專題(Topic) 向日葵(Sunflower )就是戴博士(Dr.Tai)的别号:属于果林小学第三组的义工; 是这里部落格的巡官喔! 先表扬辅仁小学优秀的照片以及文章,感谢您!(表扬优秀的照片文章也删除灌水的废话喔, 请您三读通过再发布文图, 拜托!拜托!) Sunflower is the nick name of Dr.Tai, he wiill delete the bad pics & articles , while rewarded the good!Sunflower Belongs to the third group of Kolin Pri. volunteer,He will praise the outstanding pictures & articles also deletes the idle talk which irrigates, asks you to read the articles & charts again and again , then issue them please!Tks! Tks! 实时通讯暨信箱messenger & eMail: za117@hotmail.com; za117@yahoo.com; skyPE ID: a0drtai; cell phone: +886932273801 http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/k71925/ |[ Sunflower003 | 清晨6:52 ]| |